Q - What is an SR-22 and how does it work?
A - An SR-22 insurance policy is a certificate of insurance that shows the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) proof of insurance for the future, as required by law. It is motor vehicle liability insurance which requires the insurance company to certify coverage to DPS, and the insurance company must notify DPS anytime the policy is canceled, terminated or lapses.
Q - Can I get an SR-22 if I don't own a vehicle or if I have insurance with another company?
A - Yes, our non-owner policy is perfect for you. It provides the minimum liability coverage with an attached SR-22 certificate.
Q - Is it legal to have coverage with one company and an SR-22 with another company?
A - Yes, by Texas Transportation Code - Section 601.079. Which states:
Section 601.079. MULTIPLE POLICIES. The requirements for a motor vehicle liability insurance policy may be satisfied by a combination of policies of one or more insurance companies if the policies in combination meet the requirements.
Q - Can I use my insurance card or insurance policy to meet the requirement of filing the SR-22?
A - No, when proof of financial responsibility is required, form SR-22 must be filed to meet the compliance requirements.
Q - What happens if my SR-22 is canceled?
A - Once the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) receives notification from the insurance company that the policy is canceled, terminated, or lapses appropriate enforcement action may be taken. If the SR-22 is still required and there is not a valid SR-22 on file, the driving privilege and vehicle registration is suspended.
Q - When can I print out my SR-22 form?
A - Immediately! Once you've made a payment, you can immediately print out your SR-22 Certificate.
Q - I've heard that the SR-22 is pink... is this true?
A - It used to be. For over 30 years the original SR-22 Form was pink in color, but that changed in 2010. With the introduction of electronic filing, the original form is now on regular white paper.